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The Father of Sunday School
January 14, 2023, 1:00 PM

The Father of Sunday School

It is safe to say, that in the modern era, the father of Sunday School was a man by the name of Robert Raikes. What inspired him to start what we know as Sunday School included seeing the needs of children and young men. He had the idea, “They need to be in school … on Sunday.”

He saw school as a good thing. As a place for positive encouragement and growth. By the way, that’s not how I looked at school when I was a kid. Maybe you didn’t either.

God put it in the heart of Robert Raikes to reach-out and help these children and young men. As he was about to begin, he decided the best curriculum was the Bible. So, that’s what he taught. In time he was able to win them over. As he taught them, he was discipling them. This became the four purposes for the Sunday School – to reach, teach, win, and disciple people.

Through the years, people have messed with and tried to tweak the original idea of Mr. Raikes. But when they try and fail, they usually come back to his original idea.

People have tried to schedule “Sunday School classes” at different times. Some have tried Sunday night and they call it small group Bible Study. Others have tried it during the week and call it cell groups.

Several years ago a mega-church pastor said, “We have tried several different time slots for our cell groups. We have found the best time slot to be on Sunday morning, usually before the worship service.” That was the original thought of Robert Raikes.

For many people, when they hear the words “Sunday School” they think of something for children. It ‘is’ for children and teenagers, young adults, senior adults, and people of all ages.

One more neat component about Sunday School is – (in most churches) you do not have to be a member of the church to be a member of a Sunday School class. That is certainly the way it is at Sugar Creek.

Anyone, and I mean, anyone can be a member of a Sunday School class. I need to say at this juncture, it is usually best to attend Sunday School with people about your same age.

As anyone can be a member of a Sunday School class, it is entirely possible that a person might not even attend the worship service at Sugar Creek but still be an integral part of a Sunday School class. Why would we promote or allow such a thing? Two reasons. First, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” A steady intake of the word in a Sunday School class will result in an increase of your faith.

The second reason is it helps us fulfill what Jesus told us to do in Matthew 28:19-20. I encourage you to join a Sunday School class tomorrow. Let me know if I can help.