The Big Game!
According to the professionals who are able to predict viewer participation, at least 110 million people will watch the Super Bowl on Sunday. People who do not even like football and people who never watch a regular season game will tune-in and watch some or all of the game.
Let’s think about another even more important game, so-to-speak, the game of life. Where are you? What position do you currently play?
If you were to honestly evaluate your position with God and where you are in your relationship to Him, where are you? Allow me to list seven possible positions.
First, there is Not Interested. There are many people who are just not interested in the things of God. There are theists and atheists who fit in this group.
Second, there are Seekers. A seeker is someone who is interested in the things of God but they have not arrived at the third position. By the way, if I can answer any questions you may have feel free to give me a call. We can chat over the phone, Zoom, or in-person. I will do my best to answer any questions you may have then you can decide if you want to change positions.
That next position is a very important one – The Believer. This is probably where many of you are. You believe in God. But you believe more than that. You believe Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Twice in the Bible Jesus is called this. If you are a believer, I am so happy you have joined the team.
The fourth position is Student. Another title for this is Builder. Both of these names fit for this position. You are a student of the Word of God. You are also a builder. You are building your body of knowledge.
Many student/builders study the Bible on their own or with a group of people. I remember when I started playing this position in the Big Game. I could not get enough of the Word. I listened to it in my truck. I read it in the evenings. I discussed it with people. I did everything I could to saturate my heart and mind with the Bible.
The fifth position is that of Truth Seeker. This is very similar to the fourth position but now you are really digging into the Word and establishing solid biblical beliefs. You are taking notes and organizing these truths.
The sixth position is the Missionary. You are blazing new trails in Bible study. You are also seeking to build solid friendships with a goal of discipling people.
The seventh position is Disciple Maker. A few months ago you became a new believer. Now you are also ready to answer questions people have.
I hope you are somewhere in the Big Game! Let me know if I can help you where you are or if you are ready to change positions.