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Social Anxiety: Part 3
November 5, 2022, 1:00 PM

Social Anxiety: Part 3

In this third and final segment on Social Anxiety, I want to offer a few helps if you or someone you know, and love would like to begin a process toward healing. No two people are the same, but all people are equally loved by God, equally valuable to God, and can experience healing. I hope and pray these ideas will be helpful.

A good way to begin here is to remember people may not be able to accurately describe what they are feeling. Our job is to listen. Just getting them to open up and share is a great place to begin. Ask them to share what they can about their history. Give them space and time to talk.

There is great help that can come from what is known as radical acceptance. Healing can begin to take place when we come face to face with ourselves and accept our stress and social anxiety for what it is without it being our lord and master. Allow me the freedom to make the next few items even more personal.

Another positive step would be to get some movement into your life. Get into a plan of exercise that could include going for a walk, riding a bike, or even taking ballroom dancing lessons. What I am suggesting is get outside and put some movement into your life.

Another tip is helpful meditation. Open your Bible, read, and apply Philippians 4:8-9.

As you begin to make progress, do some periodic personal checkups from the neck up. Honestly evaluate yourself. Are you making progress? Are you having better thoughts than before? Are you having healthy thoughts? Continue talking to your friend. Having a better thought life is huge.

As you are making progress, two helpful items are a healthy diet and good rest. Eat wholesome food. Stay away from foods that you like but do not like you and are not good for you. Hopefully, you will begin to feel better about yourself.

Improving your sleep is important. If you tend to go to bed anxious about things, try this. On a notepad, write down all the concerns troubling you. After you are finished, tell yourself, “I will deal with these things tomorrow if they need to be dealt with.” End with a Scripture on peace. Let me know if you need a list to draw from.

Some additional helps include group therapy in a safe and productive group. You might find the help you are looking for and even be able to help another person.

Play therapy may sound childlike but can be very helpful for adults. Consider things you can do, games you can play, with your trusted friend or even a small group of people.

Finally, practice gratitude therapy. Count your many blessings. Gratitude makes you focus on God and the benefit other people are for you. Let me know if I can be of help to you.