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Quiet Time?
January 5, 2024, 12:00 AM

Quiet Time?

We are already a few days into the new year. How are things going so far? I have another important question. Do you have a quiet time or what some call a one-on-one time with God?

If you have a time with God every day, that is great! If you do not or if you used to have a time like that but life has happened, and that prayer time has not been happening, I encourage you to have one for your own personal benefit.

If you were to have a time like that each day, what would you do? What could you do if you were to have a daily quiet time? For sure, you could pray. You could start, by just praying to Him.

Prayer is talking to God. Common prayers are prayers of adoration, thanksgiving, confession, intercession, and petition.

Just get alone with Him and talk to Him. Start small and build from there. You could start before getting out of bed. Then it could continue in a more formal time as you begin your day.

Jesus is our best role model for prayer. We know Jesus as a man of prayer. It seems He prayed all the time. He prayed while people were being baptized. He prayed all night long before selecting the twelve disciples. He was such a man of prayer His disciples ask Him to teach them how to pray. That was the motivation for Him giving us what people often call The Lord’s Prayer.

Another item in your quiet time could be Bible reading. For most people it is quite normal to read the Bible during their quiet time alone with God. We talk to Him in prayer. He talks to us through His Word.

You might choose to read a few verses or a whole chapter in the Bible, and then pray. One of the neatest ways to read the Bible is to read it in chronological order. I would be glad to send you a plan for an even more focused approach especially if you are just getting started in a daily prayer time.

Another item that many people like to add to their prayer time is reading a page from a daily devotional. Many of these are available written by people who have walked with the Lord many years.

Whatever you choose to do, do not try to start so big at the beginning that you burnout. Start with 5 minutes or 15 minutes. You can always build from there to 30 minutes or more.

If you are going to do this and be successful, many people need some kind of accountability to keep them motivated. Here are two ideas: Have an accountability partner and have a visual aid to motivate you.

Blessings on you! Your one-on-one time with God will give you the power and the motivation you need for each day as you face the world.