Happy New Year!
In just a few hours it will be 2023. This is the time each year when many people make New Year’s resolutions. Everyone else has given up on that idea. They have found a few days or a few weeks into the new year, their resolutions have been abandoned. So, what will you do this new year?
If you look back over the past year or the past several years and determine your life is not headed in the direction you want it to go, how about making a “new life” resolution. Rather than trusting your own whit, wisdom, and ingenuity again this year, how about following the lead of a new Master. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.
Space in this article does not allow me to give an exhaustive review of what that will involve, but I will make you this promise as a pastor and certified mental health coach, I will not try to convince you to do what you do not want to do. I will give you some valuable information free of charge. I will also answer your questions to the best of my ability. Then, you will be free to decide what you believe is best for you. Give me a call. Make an appointment. Give me an hour of your time. Leave your checkbook at home. It will only cost you an hour of your time.
If on the other hand you look backward and remember a time in your life when you began heading in the right direction, but now things are not working out for you, maybe you just need to make a few slight adjustments. Call me up. Make an appointment. Let me hear your story. Working together, let’s see if you can find your next step and get back on a better track.
What is in the past cannot be changed. What will happen tomorrow, only God knows the full details. All we know and all we have is today. Let’s decide today, to do what we can to make 2023 the best year possible. Happy New Year!