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Are You Ready for a Fresh Start
April 15, 2023, 1:00 PM

Fresh Start

I shared with the church folks on Resurrection Sunday, about what the resurrection of Jesus means. In preparation for that message, I surveyed one hundred people and asked them, “What does the resurrection of Jesus mean to you?” The resurrection of Jesus speaks of freedom, victory, life and so much more. One of the most significant blessings that comes with the resurrection of Jesus is the opportunity to get a fresh start.

Some of you will remember when we used to wash chalkboards in school. With the eraser we would erase all the writing on the board. Then with warm water and a large sponge we would wash the chalkboard. After that it was as clean as brand new.

There is nothing quite like a fresh start. Do you need a fresh start? Have you sensed your life lately is headed in the wrong direction? Would you like a fresh start? In computer lingo, we call it a reboot.

The first disciples experienced that fresh start. Imagine what it must have felt like for them as they saw Jesus alive after His crucifixion. They saw Him die in the most despicable way possible. By the time the crucifixion was complete, He was a bloody mess. It was a painful and gruesome task for Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea to take Jesus off of that cross. But they did that in a careful and meticulous way. They placed His body in a tomb. But then, on Resurrection Sunday, He was alive again! Wow!

A fresh start is a great way to describe what they experienced after the hopeless condition they found themselves in, just hours and days before. Their Master, Teacher, Discipler, and Lord was dead but now, He is alive.

Do you need a fresh start? Would you like to experience the freedom and released from the captivity of your past? Would you like to experience victory and be on the winning team? Would you like to experience life to its fullest possible way this side of heaven? Would you like the guarantee of a reunion someday with those who have gone to heaven before us? Would you like your hopelessness to be turned into a blessed hope? Would you like to experience everything the resurrection offers and get a fresh start? That is possible.

The steps to take on getting this fresh start are clear. The steps are simple but they are also difficult because they begin with admitting to ourselves we are headed in the wrong direction, we need this fresh start, we want this fresh start, and we are ready to begin.

If you will take the steps, and continue the process, it is impossible to determine the glorious future that awaits you. The resurrection of Jesus gives us this opportunity and so much more. When you are ready, give me a call.