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A Cool Way to Internalize Truth
September 10, 2022, 1:00 PM

Orality. That is not a word we hear every day. It speaks of a method missionaries use to communicate truth to people whose language is not a written language. We know from The Telephone Game, if you begin a story with a person and they pass the story along a chain of people, the story at the end of the chain can be quite different than the original. That is how true accounts get corrupted.

Because of the Holy Spirit of God, we have a written record known as the Bible. Our Creator God has made sure we have the true account of what happened and how things came to be. Coupled with that, godly men and women have continued to preach and teach the true account. Also, we have the luxury of having truth in our hands, on our tablets, and able to carry the Bible around in our smartphones.

When we teach our children the truth about how things got started and where we are headed, there are no missing links. As a parent or a grandparent, be a committee of one or two to make sure your children and grandchildren know the truth. Let them hear it from you as you read the Bible to them. As you do so, have enough awareness about the lie being taught called evolution and equip your kids with information to reject all ridiculous claims.

Here is a discipline to practice in three steps. Step #1. Read the creation account to your kids out of a solid Bible translation they can understand. If the children are old enough, have them read the creation account for themselves.

Step #2. Use a practice repeated by oral learners – learners who do not have a Bible in their own language. Have the child retell the story from memory. To add to the learning time, turn on a voice recorder and record the version they share.

Step #3. Reopen your Bible and compare the “oral version” that was just told to the truth in the Bible. Practice this over the next few days until the children can retell the creation account in their own words consistent with the biblical account. What you will be doing is building into your children a biblical worldview that will be with them for the rest of their lives.

Let’s be diligent and consistent to teach truth to our children and grandchildren so the Holy Spirit can impart truth into their hearts. A running theme in the background could be the words found in 2 Corinthians 10:5. Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”

As you do what you need to do today, think about how you can help your children or grandchildren know truth and instill in them a desire for true wisdom utilizing the words of Colossians 3:16. Have a great day!


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